Brick tinting, like brickwork generally, can be affected by its exposure to water, frost and temperature. In a typical building situation, the majority of the brickwork is fine for tinting because it is located between the DPC and eaves and is therefore considered protected from the dangers of weathering or repeated cycles of freezing, thawing and wetting.
However, there are areas of brickwork that might remain saturated and therefore vulnerable to frost attack. In these locations you would use a brick classified as being frost resistant (F2 rated). These exposed areas can include:
• Below ground level
• Below DPC
• Plinths or any other projecting brickwork
• Cills
• Cappings or copings
• Chimneys
• Parapet walls
• Freestanding or earth retaining walls.
Whilst bricks in these areas can be tinted (assuming they are dry enough at the time of application to absorb the tint), the longevity of the stain cannot be guaranteed. However, it is worth pointing out that brickwork which remains saturated for long periods is more likely to quickly discolour through the effects of weathering compared to brickwork that is protected.
Bricks used for landscaping, paving or situations where they are subjected to repeated foot or vehicle tracking should not be tinted.